5 thoughts on “Writing as Service”

  1. Elizabeth,
    I love this topic and your treatment of it. I agree that writers and writing make a difference in the real world. In fact, I elected to communicate what I had learned through accompanying two of my three children through their illnesses and deaths in a memoir where the emphasis is on story. As a social worker I had written self help and educational articles but I knew that the story is how real connections are made, where real truths unfold. I wish I lived close enough to come to your party, but I’m sending my good wishes. Sheila K. Collins

    1. Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew

      Yes! Thanks, Sheila. Story IS where real connections are made with a reader, and where real transformation happens.

      The party was a beautiful send-off. Thanks for the well-wishes!

  2. Elizabeth, thank you for writing this, it’s so refreshing. I believe you’re right: we can have our cake and eat it. It’s a lofty goal to create something aesthetically fine as well as intrinsically good, but personally I can think of few pursuits more worthwhile. Meanwhile, if one must choose, perhaps it’s better to make something artless than heartless 🙂

    I hope you had a wonderful launch party, and I wish you all the very best with Hannah, Delivered – congratulations!

    1. Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew

      “It’s better to make something artless than heartless”–Sumangali, I love it! May I quote you?

      Thanks for the well-wishes. The party was marvelous thanks to many, many people and especially my partner’s dance group. We all had good fun!

      1. So glad the launch went well, and that your new book is out in the world. Good luck with the new adventure!

        I’d be honoured to be quoted, any time 🙂 Not sure where that thought even came from – probably just the universal store cupboard.

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