Spiritual Growth

Tennis court with blue benches

Already Mediocre!

Nine p.m., Gwyn and I drive from her second Park & Rec volleyball game through the night toward home and she’s bouncing with energy.  I’ve just told her how proud I am.  “I know!” she enthuses.  “With tennis, it took me years to be mediocre.  Volleyball’s much easier.  I’m already mediocre!”   Thus my pride.  …

Already Mediocre! Read More »

The Calculus of Faith

Thank goodness there’s an adult in Gwyn’s life eyes spark at the magnificence of mathematics.But I’m also grateful to our pastor, who sees Gwyn’s cynicism about that great bearded white guy in the sky for what it is—an early and woefully simplistic understanding of (and then rejection of) holiness. Here’s hoping we can communicate to Gwyn—to anyone, to everyone—the beautiful calculus of faith.